Cartamundi’s Lewis Young on the firm’s new Make My Game platform

Lewis Young
Earlier this year, Cartamundi launched, an online platform that allows designers and publishers to create game prototypes.

Via the site, designers can create games using different components, box sizes, boards and inserts, before uploading personalised artwork to complete their game.

We caught up with Lewis Young, sales executive at Cartamundi, to find out more about the service, who should be using it and what he makes of the current state of creativity in the games market.

Can you talk us through the Make My Game service?
Make My Game is a new online platform launched by Cartamundi. The platform allows game inventors to create their own personalized prototype!

Once you are registered, you can start creating your games. You can select the different components within the game and fully personalise them. Once that’s done, you prepay with a credit card, and your games will be shipped to you in 10 working days. We use a courier with a tracking service, so that you always will know where your game is.

Make My Game
What prompted you to launch Make My Game?
Market demand. We could see the rise in crowdfunding with the jump between prototypes and full production runs a problematic area for anyone starting out creating their own game. That’s also why we created This enables inventers to understand the full production costs for larger production runs of 1,000 plus games with a few simple clicks.

Who is the target market for Make My Game? Beginners or professionals?
Both! Make My Game is there for all game inventors who would like to have their own prototypes. Whether you need them for pitching purposes, for having a professional model to present on a crowdfunding platform, to send it to possible distributors or licensees or just to have a quality sample for your game portfolio or collection.

It’s also for game publishers, who may want several samples to do play testing with, want to show a marketing panel different designs to choose from or who need last moment games to show potential partners at a trade show.

Anyone can order their prototypes on the Make My Game platform.

Is the games sector is in a good place creatively at the moment?
Yes, I think the games sector is in a great place creatively and there is more to come! It’s great to see! Every manufacturer needs to embrace and nurture this creativity and we hope that Make My Game can bring some ideas to life.

If people want to know more about the platform, where should they head to? or contact myself at [email protected].

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