NFT brand Chimpers eyes toy partners

NFT brand Chimpers is on the lookout for toy partners.

Chimpers is a retro style collection made up of 5,555 anime inspired characters, with a vibrant pixel art feel.

“We have successfully developed our world and community in the Web3 space so far, with over 2,600 members in our community – but we recognise the importance of growing outside of our niche,” Jacob from the Chimpers team told Mojo’s sister-site, Brands Untapped.

“We focus on storytelling, art and digital experiences, but we would love to channel across to the physical world through toys, comics, books, trading cards and so much more!”

“Chimpers has a retro look and nostalgic appeal to the older demographic, while also having a cute and wholesome appeal to younger audiences. So we have a great visual mix between the two and this is key to the DNA of Chimpers.”

Anyone interested in speaking with the Chimpers team can do so at [email protected].

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