A time for Thanksgiving: Richard C. Levy writes an open letter to the toy industry
Richard C. Levy, president of Richard C. Levy & Associates, LLC, on his love for America
What sparks original ideas? Richard C. Levy and Ronald O. Weingartner invited veteran inventors to answer!
Richard C. Levy and Ronald O. Weingartner ask ten inventors: what sparks original ideas?
Industry legends Richard C. Levy and Ronald O. Weingartner on how to pitch ideas
Want great pitching advice? Richard C. Levy and Ronald O. Weingartner offer their top tips
Industry legends Richard C. Levy and Ronald O. Weingartner on how to negotiate license agreements
Negotiating license agreements is a skill that can be learned. And while people tend to make negotiating licenses complicated, industry legends Richard C. Levy and Ronald O. Weingartner insist that it isn’t…