Little Miss Inventor joins Play Innovation Summit 2018

Sanrio’s Little Miss Inventor is sponsoring next month’s Play Innovation Summit, taking place as part of London Games Festival 2018.

Delegates attending the Summit will each receive a copy of Little Miss Inventor, as well as a pack from Sanrio detailing the firm’s plans for the brand; which includes forming exciting product partnerships with the industry’s top tech toy firms.

“We are delighted to have a presence at the Play Innovation Summit with our newest character, Little Miss Inventor,” said Sabrina Segalov, licensing manager at Sanrio.

“Little Miss Inventor has been named by the press as the perfect role model to help and encourage girls and young women become more involved in STEM – subjects where females are typically under-represented. The Play Innovation Summit is a great opportunity to introduce her to the contemporary world of toys and games.”

Taking place on Tuesday, April 10th at B1, Victoria House in London, the Play Innovation Summit will shine a spotlight on the future of play and how innovation is helping the toy and game space to evolve.

The exciting line-up of speakers includes Hasbro’s Phil Sage, Collabsco’s Valerie Vacante, Sensible Object’s Alex Fleetwood and Primo Toy’s Filippo Yacob.

Tickets are available at, and to get half price off a joint Tuesday ticket to both the Play Innovation Summit and the A.I. Summit, enter the code MOJOAI at the checkout.

To get in touch with Sanrio regarding licensing opportunities around Little Miss Inventor, email Sabrina Segalov at [email protected].

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