Heayes Design

Hasbro’s Naomi Brugnatelli, University Games’ Bob Moog and Heayes Design’s Richard Heayes join Toy Room 101 panel at Play Creators Conference

All three will compete to banish their biggest pet peeves about the world of toy and game design to Room 101, in a session hosted by Mojo’s own Deej Johnson.

How Play Can Save the World

Heayes Design’s Richard Heayes looks at why, when faced with all manner of challenges, a playful attitude can be a powerful thing…

License to thrill: How to make brands soar in toys and games

Heayes Design’s Richard Heayes looks at how to successfully bring brands to life in the toy and games space.

The New Normal

Heayes Design’s Richard Heayes takes a look at how toys marketed to – and designed specifically for – adults are no longer just a passing trend.

The inventor’s inventor, Richard Heayes, on noteworthy design… And making it look easy

Meet Richard Heayes, the most-nominated designer in the Mojo 100… And discover a way to literally see your work differently!

Watch: Game On: Hasbro, Funko and Gamely talk game design

How do you pitch a game idea to Hasbro? Where does Funko Games start when turning iconic movies into great tabletop experiences? What can an indie like Gamely Games do to stand out in a crowded market? All this, and more, is covered in this Game On! panel session.

Funko, Hasbro and Gamely to talk game invention with Richard Heayes at Virtual Play Creators Conference 2020

The session will be pre-recorded later this month, but we are putting your questions to the panellists, so if you have a question you’d like them to answer, please email it to [email protected].

Find the gap

Inspired by Disney Plus series The Imagineering Story, Heayes Design’s Richard Heayes looks at why sometimes the most important element of a toy or game is actually the white space in-between all the eye-catching gizmos.

Here’s an idea…

Heayes Design’s Richard Heayes shines a spotlight on the importance of ideas management, and why the old saying, “If you love something, let it go” is especially apt when it comes to ideation.

Immersion excursion

Following a trip to Disney World, Heayes Design’s Richard Heayes looks at why toy and game designers should follow the lead of theme parks in striving for immersive experiences.

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