Rubik’s joins Mojo Pitch 2020

Rubik's, Mojo Pitch
Toy and game designers will be able to pitch concepts to Rubik’s at this year’s Mojo Pitch event.

Forming part of the Play Creators Festival, the Mojo Pitch will take place on Wednesday, September 9th, 2020 at London’s Stamford Bridge stadium.

The event welcomes toy and game designers (both seasoned professionals and talented amateurs), invention houses and design agencies as they pitch exciting new toy and game concepts to a range of companies, each on the lookout for new products.

“Rubik’s did not have to think twice about attending this year’s Play Creators Festival,” said Hayley Woodward, marketing manager at Rubik’s.

“The last two years have been a huge success for Rubik’s in terms of building not only new fantastic relationships with some of the most creative people in the toy industry, but also winning some great products.

“The Rubik’s Cage, which launched in 2019, was discovered at our first Mojo event in 2018 and has won numerous awards globally since. We are confident that this will be an evergreen product in the Rubik’s range. Last year, we also optioned another two products, and found further exiting potential partners, so watch this space!

“In the 40th Anniversary year for Rubik’s and our third time attending the Pitch, we are excited to see what else we can discover – so please come and see us!”

If you’re a designer, inventor or design agency that would like book in a meeting with Rubik’s at this year’s Mojo Pitch, head to for more information or email Mojo’s Billy Langsworthy on [email protected].

If you’re a company that would like to join Rubik’s in meeting with designers and inventors at the event, email Adam Butler at [email protected].

For more details on the wider Play Creators Festival, head to:


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