Deej Johnson

Watch: Wynne-Jones IP’s Victor Caddy on what Brexit means for toy designers

Hosted by Word Whizz Deej Johnson, this interview sees Victor Caddy (Chartered Trade Mark Attorney at Wynne-Jones IP) explain what toy and game inventors should be looking to protect once they have an idea, as well as shedding light on the ways in which Brexit will change how toy companies and designers protect their IP.

Watch: Desert Island Picks with… Bean’s Sally Jacobs

If you could only take one toy, one game and one of your own inventions to a desert island, what would you take and why? That’s the question that WordWhizz Deej Johnson is posing to Sally Jacobs, founder and inventor at Bean, in this Desert Island Picks interview.

Patti Becker from Becker Associates on where agents add value, success at Mojo… And the secret of their longevity

We caught up with Patti to hear what she hopes to discover at the 2020 Mojo Nation pitch – and what she accomplished at the 2019 event…

Elizabeth Ganrude – Senior Manager of Product Design at Learning Resources – on teamwork, feeding creativity… And having award-winning ideas

Elizabeth Ganrude is Senior Manager of Product Design at Learning Resources. In a rare interview, Liz here talks to us about empathy, how she feeds her creativity, the team she’s with… And repeatedly having award-winning ideas.

Watch: Desert Island Picks with… Darren Lee Phillipson

If you could only take one toy, one game and one of your own inventions to a desert island, what would you take and why? That’s the question that WordWhizz Deej Johnson is posing to Alpha’s Darren Lee Phillipson in this Desert Island Picks interview.

Watch: Desert Island Picks with… Hasbro’s Rich Mazel

If you could only take one toy, one game and one of your own inventions to a desert island, what would you take and why? That’s the question that Word Whizz Deej Johnson is posing to Rich Mazel, Senior Director of Global Product Acquisition at Hasbro, in this Desert Island Picks interview.

Hasbro’s Tanya Thompson on videos, napkins… And how to pitch to her!

Tanya Thompson, Hasbro’s Director of Global Product Acquisition for Games, tells inventors how to give her a winning pitch…

Rubik’s Brand Vice President Chrisi Trussell on Tom Kremer, The Cube and retiring after 42 years

Since starting with the embryonic Seven Towns, Chrisi Trussell has worked at the heart of toys and games for 42 years. As she retires, we ask the Rubik’s Brand Vice President about Tom Kremer discovering The Rubik’s Cube… And why it’s enjoying such a massive revival today.

USAopoly’s Tony Serebriany on virtual pitches, loving London – and three things inventors should keep in mind…

We speak with Tony Serebriany about virtual pitches, loving London – and three things all inventors should keep in mind…

Designer Ross Atkin on his third Kickstarter project, the downside of licensing, and the one thing you MUST do to crowdfund

Kickstarter designer Ross Atkin on where crowdfunders go wrong, the skills you don’t learn at university… And robots. Lots of robots!

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